CPA Marketing is big at the moment and Hidden CPA Loophole is a video course by Gaurab Borah, Tom Yevsikov and Naveen Kumar that capitalizes on that. It teaches people how to take advantage of a specific traffic source to make money with CPA offers.  In this no holds barred in-depth review and video review you’ll discover whether this course a great loophole or a big rabbit hole.

If you’re not 100% on what CPA marketing is it’s simply marketing where you get paid commissions based on people talking a certain action aka ‘Cost Per Action Marketing’. So have you ever seen those offers for free diet pills, or car insurance where you put in your post code or free dating offers? Well thats CPA marketing.

And I’ve had a glimpse online into this world and there are people literally making $100,000 PER DAY online with CPA marketing, no products, no list just driving traffic to offers, and almost no one knows about them. Crazy…

Anyways I digress… introducing

Hidden CPA Loophole

Hidden CPA Loophole


In the last few weeks I have decided to expand my income streams and I decided to learn and eventually master CPA marketing.

The main reason why was I wanted to master paid traffic, and I knew (or reasoned) that if I could master paid traffic then it would be a life long skill that I could use in any business endeavor.

A lot of people swear by free traffic methods like blogging, video and social media but we all know it’s not leveragable and it’s not consistent. I want to know that if I put in $100 I can get $250 with clock work precision time and time again. And also I wasn’t really interested in creating products or websites or any technical shenanigans. At this moment in time..

So what I did was I invested a ridiculous amount of money to get into a mastermind and learn form someone who was earning $10,000+ a day from CPA marketing. If you want to be the best you’ve got to learn from the best (you can afford). And that didn’t include traffic costs which was a good few grand later.

CPA ClickbankAnyways I’ve began to have some success with CPA marketing. I earned $1021.02 in 10 days with CPA Marketing as you can see by a recent Clickbank earnings.

So I was on the look out for some extra courses when Hidden CPA Loophole landed in my email box touted by some marketer who’s list I was already on.

Honestly though I should have heard warning bells just by the name ‘Hidden CPA Loophole’

But I was like ‘shut up and take my money’.

What was interesting about the sales page is what hooked me, and it’s something you can learn from as well (and hopefully use for good and not evil).

  1. A good headline rocks and cover graphics helps
  2. Clear graphics about the modules and whats in them is good
  3. A connection with an even bigger CPA marketer in the form of William Souza is good
  4. Good testimonials are key especially a good video testimonial

 Inside Hidden CPA Loophole

Inside Hidden CPA Loophole you get:

  • 9 Modules of sharp and concise content with videos on average was about 4 mins long (yes you heard me, 4 mins long)
  • Clear PDFs – actually they were really good
  • Some bonuses which were pretty good if you use them

Actually just watch my video and I’ll get really clear on what you get and what I thought about it:



Overall Comments

I wanted to like and recommend Hidden CPA Loophole, and there were some redeeming features including:

  • Short, concise modules (think bite sized of but-sized chunks)
  • Landing page examples was actually good, PDF’s were more informative than videos
  • The second one time offer (OTO) where you had actual landing pages and campaigns was very cool

But in my opinion, despite the low price tag, it felt like a rushed incomplete product.

Example: The average length of each video was 4 mins long. You could literally complete the course in under 30 mins. And sometimes the speaker (who I assume was Tom) sounded like he was in a rush. Like really? Was this recorded on Jing and we had only 5 mins max?

Why the rush??

The product said no websites was needed and then in the modules it talked about the importance of landing pages and the only insight was to use Kompozer! Oh really!

Finally  Gaurab Borah has a 6 figure CPA network. I would have loved to hear form him and his story. And also links to his CPA business so we could get instant approval (being students who bought the product). But no mention of it…

Screen Shot 2014-12-08 at 3.49.47 PMIn the testimonials this course was touted as one of the most in-depth courses ever and one person said they paid $997 for coaching and didn’t get this much. Well that coaching was a total rip then!

Finally the course touted CPA marketing as simple, easy and inexpensive (i.e start with $25…)

While CPA can be simple (overall) there is simply not enough information in this course step-by-step for a complete newbie to take action on it. And thats what I see as the yard stick for a product. Can someone take action and run with what is provided?

Paid traffic is not cheap/ inexpensive. You will have to test, test, test and did I mention test (which means spending a good chunk of change) to get something profitable.

For someone who is intermediate there is a few gold nuggets here and there. But it’s so light and fluffy (like a nice donut) that it will leave you feeling unfulfilled.

C+My recommendation for Hidden CPA Loophole is to NOT get this product espically if you;re new to CPA marketing but rather get a much more in-depth and more rounded product like William Souza’s CPA Evolution. (I don’t think it’s open to the public anymore). It’s not cheap but it delivers the goods.

Also I would recommend you also get MENTORING, or coaching from someone who has experience and who is very profitable. The reason why is even with the best step by step course it will only give you the theory and best practices.

90% of your success will simply come through DOING and to do something I think you need extremely follow my mouse clicks type learning (especially in the set up phase).

Now we all learn differently. However, one sure fire way is to be able to get someone on the phone or Skype and literally get them to show you what you need to do or what you need to focus on. Will it be cheap? Absolutely not. But if CPA is the way to go (and it’s a direction I’m looking into myself) then it’s an investment. And then perhaps you can create a more fuller product than Hidden CPA Loophole.

Even with a mentor there are no guarantees because you need to be the type of person who thrives under challenge, who can problem solve and seek their own answers and who is creative and can understand marketing.rubics cube

CPA marketing is not like joining the dots but more like solving a Rubix cube.

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