It was a dark, windy and rainy night in Perth (sounds like a thriller/mystery blog post so far) but regardless of the outside weather, the Apollo room at the Cambridge Centre in Wembley was filled to the brim with new visitors and associates for the weekly Isagenix meeting.

A stroke of luck enabled Iris and I to be both free on the Tuesday night so before hand we made a dinner date of it and sampled the food delights of the busy food hall. Some seafood dim sum dumplings for Iris and a steaming big bowl of Pho for myself. Nalina was all smiles and mouthfuls of yummy food.

The news in the meeting was just as tasty!

Isagenix officially launched in Singapore over the weekend but it seems that everyone is looking ahead at the massive launch planned for Malaysia…

Some of the main news was that E+ officially launched in the eastern states and is now available to purchase in the back office (or here) and it looks like another game changer for Isagenix.

You can watch the video below. Overall the production values were good but I personally believed the video was about 30 secs too long… or it could just be me and my ADHD mind.

Regardless of what I think about the video E+ is a fantastic addition the Isagenix range of healthy and natural solutions.


Then there was the launch of the new (Australian) Isagenix Energy and Performance Video. I think it’s an essential video for any associate to share it has some great appearances by Natalie Cook and Yana Pitman. Check out the video below.


In another blog post I shared the 7 Essential Isagenix videos here.

The highlight of the night was Peta Kelly’s ‘talk’. I put talk in speech marks because as she put it it was more of a kick in bum for all of us to lift our game.

Even though she’s only 24, Peta stood on stage and was the epitome of a leader – confident, motivating, ass kicking and yet always sincere and genuine. David mentioned that she recently hit 4 Star Golden circle (in like 14 months) which is a pay rise of about $3000 a week. And last week she was paid out $20,000 something dollars.

As I drove home in the car I shook my head at how many 24 year olds would only dream of having that amount of money, and yet here Peta was earning it and living the dream.

Actually, scratch that, 34 and 44 year olds would also be dreaming of earning that!

But it doesn’t have to be a dream Peta kept on urging, because she kept on ensuring everyone knew she wasn’t perfect, that she got an enormous amount of No.s and that she had made so many mistakes. And yet. This ‘dream’ was more than possible. It was past possible.

Any ways, here’s some notes that I took regarding Peta’s presentation.

The 8 Traits of a Leader

Instead of talking about the Isagenix products, as she purposefully rubbed all product notes off the whiteboard, Peta talked about the 8 Traits of a Leader. Peta started the conversation noting that she had just returned from Brisbane after having some training with Susan Sly (mega Isagenix millionaire extraordinare) where essentially Susan kicked her butt (but she said she liked her butt slapped – cue audience chuckle) and told her to stop dreaming so low. Make her dreams bigger.

But she balanced her statement of ‘dare to dream MUCH bigger – (what ever your goal income is, add a 0 to it.) with, ‘Make your Team your biggest priority’

Overall Goal: Help your team get their goals and you automatically get yours.

1. Set the intention.

Set the intention of what you want in your life. Get clear, finically, healthy wise, rank wise etc. And then paradoxically let the intention go (and focus on the overall goal)

2. Focus

Don’t go in and out, just stay focussed on the little steps and on the bigger picture. Stay focussed on Isagenix. (Or whatever is your number one priority).

This was real timely advice for me as I have made a real decision to focus on Isagenix as well after weeks and months of stepping in and out of the business.

3. Positive Attitude

While your energy may be infinite it still needs to be focussed. And when you focus it, make sure you do it with a positive attitude. ALWAYS appear positive especially in public.

4. Consistency

Don’t get bored. Because the business of Isagenix is actually so simple and so easy. earlier in the night she recalled a conversation with a fellow team mate who asked her what to say when she asked about Isagenix.

Peta said, Stop making it so complicated. Stay compliant but just speak naturally. Speak as if you’re speaking to your Mum. Don’t over complicate it and start sounding like a commercial. Just tell how you feel and and what’s it done for you.

Full stop.

Also in terms of consistency the action steps (to be repeated 20,000 times) are:

READ. (read something positive everyday)
SHARE. (the Isagenix story)
ENROLL (or collect a decision)

5. Team Player.

Stop thinking about your team, their team (it’s all about the team – see Natalie cook video). Just focus on helping and the karma will come around regardless.

Also read the Go Giver.

6. Willing to get uncomfortable.

This was a big take away for me. Unless you’re doing something uncomfortable everyday (something that scares the shit out of you) you;re not growing. And if you’re not growing you’re shrinking.

Peta confided that she would make sure she stretched herself everyday and that she had people she though were scary to talk to but she made herself do it regardless.

7. Do something that scares you shitless everyday.

Enough said.

8. Lead by Example.

Don’t expect your team to do anything you yourself aren’t doing. If you want your team to enrol two people a week, you must be doing. Don’t get people to cleanse weekly if you don’t. Your team will do what you do simply by observation and osmosis.

If you want a better calibre of team raise your own standards and you will attract better team mates.

Some final points were:

Stop over complicating things. And always be getting permission to talk. Don’t talk and share without getting permission because its not about you its about the other person.

Peta is also launching a new website and Facebook page checkk it out here at


What do you think of these 8 Traits of being a Leader? Share your thoughts below and share this post with others.