Allen, James As a Man Thinketh
Bettger, Frank How I Raised myself from Failure to Success in Selling
Branson, Richard Losing My Virginity
Business Stripped Bare
Byrne, Rhonda The Secret
Butler-Bowdon, Tom 50 Success Classics
Carnegie, Dale How to Win Friends and Influence People Dale
Clason, George S The Richest Man in Babylon
Covey, Stephen R The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Gage, Randy How to Build A Multi-Level Money Machine
Gladwell, Malcolm The Tipping Point
Hill, Napoleon Think and Grow Rich
Jay, Ros Winning Minds
Julian, Larry God is My CEO
Kalench, John Being The Best You Can Be in MLM
Kiyosaki, Robert. T. (with Sharon. L. Lechter) Rich Dad Poor Dad
Lustberg, Arch How to Sell Yourself
Maxwell, John C The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership
The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork
Mortensen, Kurt .W. Maximum Influence
Murphy, Dr. Joseph The Power of your Subconscious Mind
Nightingale, Earl Lead the Field
The Strangest Secret
Peale, Norman Vincent The Power of Positive Thinking
Robinson, Ken The Element
Rohn, James Five Major Pieces to the Life Puzzle
Stone, W Clement(with Napoleon Hill) Success through a Positive Mental Attitude
Taylor, Brent .D. The Outsiders Edge
 Waitley, Denis The Psychology of Winning
Safari to the Soul
Wattles, Wallace The Science of getting rich
Ziglar, Zig See You at the Top