You Must Figure Out Your “WHY”

This is one of the most important lessons of the bootcamp. If you get this step wrong from the start you’re going to end up struggling, frustrated and ready to QUIT!

I want to prepare you for whats to come and help you understand why it’s absolutely crucial to your success that you develop the right mindset early on in your career online.

Your “WHY” is what will keep you going when you want to quit, it will motivate you to take action towards your goals and it will be the reason you succeed or fail.

Don’t skip this step because you will be setting yourself up for failure from the start.

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The Story Of My WHY

The Pich Family - My WHY

The Pich Family – My WHY

My business and life changed one fateful day in 2012 as I was venting my frustration at my lack of results in my online business to my coach and mentor.

I had been spending weeks and months and several thousands of dollars (money I didn’t have) on this online venture. I felt like I was spinning my wheels and going nowhere.

After my coach let me vent he simply asked me “What’s your Why, Samith?”

“Well, to make money, of course!” I said.

He gently asked again “What’s the REAL reason why you’re doing this?”

So I started to dig in deep and as I talked about my WHY, tears came down my face.

I wanted to be the best dad and husband that I could be. I wanted my kids to be able know that I would never have to put them second place. I wanted them to be proud of me and what I could accomplish and that they knew they could accomplish anything they put their minds to.

I realised my WHY was that I wanted to give my wife the choice to not work and be a full me mum.

I wanted to stop missing out on my daughters’ childhood and be able to pick up from school and take a day out to just be with them.

My WHY was to help support my mum in her retirement and look a after my family in Cambodia.

My WHY was to create a legacy to give back by setting up a foundation for less privileged kids to have the education they need to succeed in life.

That’s my WHY.

And after UNDERSTANDING and EMBRACING my why I began to get to work.

I learnt to pay the price.

I didn’t always pay it every day, or even perfectly, but I learnt to start paying it effectively.

In my previous four years online I’d made around fifty dollars in total! By the end of 2012 I had my first thousand dollar month, then my first thousand-dollar week, and then my first ten and twenty-thousand dollar months.

In 2013 I quit teaching, and I never looked back.