Zemanta Related Posts ThumbnailOn the 15th June I decided to put my hand up for a 60 Day Video Challenge as a part of the Success with Zach facebook group which you can request to  join here.

I’m currently behind by a week so there’s definately a lot of work to do in terms of catching up but I know I just have to stay consistent and regularly make the time to complete these videos.

Why would some one go to this much trouble to create 60 videos? Well I’ve already covered some reasons here but overall it’s about:

  • Challenging myself to meet a goal, do the consistent work and create a habit that will empower me in my business
  • Develop video creation skills and marketing skills
  • Possibly win an iPad?

So without further ado here’s my 60 day Video Challenge Videos 1-10

1. 60 Day Introduction Video


2. The Importance of Events

This video was shot on the last days of my first Isagenix Celebrations held on the Gold Coast. I’m tired, sleep deprived and feeling like I can take on the world! My friend Simone and I chat about the importance of events to your mindset.


3. Four Steps To Success

In this video I discuss the four steps to success and what I have discovered about what successful do to become successful!


4. The Cure To Information Overload

Home Business types, entrepreneurs and espeically those in the internet marketing niche are inundated with information often leading to analysis paralysis (or more procrastination) in this video I discuss a simple but effective cure to information overload.


5. The Orange Tree Project

I posted a video about a pleasant surprise in the mail, a final copy of a CD cover with one of my favourite paintings I painted over 5 years ago: The Orange Tree which featured poems spoken by Maggie Murphy.


6. What Does Wealth Love?

Another video continuing my coaching series into success, action for Home Business entrepreneurs. I loved researching this series about what wealth loves.


7. How To Rotate a Video in iMovie ’11

As a part of the 60 Day Video Challenge we’re supposed to create videos of things that people are searching for, helping people solve their problems. Well I realised I could create a video about all the things I searched for online! Even though there are other videos in Youtube on thsi subject I thought I could do something shorter, clearer and more helpful.


8. The Universe is an Amazing Place

I recorded myself speaking my Toastmasters Project 7 Speech on my one of my pet loves why the universe is an amazing place and then created a powerpoint to go with the speech because I didn’t record myself doing it live. I think this video worked out really well but it took ages to put together!


9. How To Ace Your Toastmaster Speech 1: the Ice Breaker

Another video series that I hope to expand, my own take on helping people get some helpful tips an advice of how to ace their toastmaster speech. Simple powerpoint and reading out aloud. Hopefully the power points start looking better!


10. Happy Birthday Zach

Last but not least a quick clip of Nalina and I singing Happy Birthday to one of my online mentors ‘Happy Birthday Zach‘ which was later collated with heaps of other videos by Dale Bateman. Obviously Nalina steals the show and I should know better than to sing in public!


Hope you enjoyed watching these videos as much as I enjoyed creating them. And look out for the next 20 soon!